Sunday, December 18, 2005

This is where the witty title would theoretically be...if I were actually witty today

I’m giving you another boring, completely wit-and-humor-free entry because I haven’t updated in a few days and I felt it was time. So fasten your seatbelts – it’s going to be a wild ride. Oh no it isn’t. Go ahead and leave your seatbelt off. That way at least one of us will be living on the EDGE. And that one is not me, just to clarify.

I think I’m getting a cold. Why this is bad: I have things to do every night this week. I don’t want to be sick for Christmas. I CAN’T be sick for Christmas, because I’m singing at church on Christmas morning. Why this is good: More time off work. Time off work is ALWAYS GOOD.

I watched “Love, Actually” this evening, and realized again how great that movie is. I was at Sally and Joe’s with Ian and Mandy, and Sally made homemade soup and bread (because it’s back to being the Arctic Circle here). Prior to the movie, we were watching hockey, I was laying on the couch under a down blanket, and I fell asleep. I woke up and I was all by myself and it was dark. I went upstairs and since I was sniffling, Sally made me drink this vitamin C stuff and then we had dinner. That, my friends, is how you know you’ve crossed over into the “family” category. No one has to entertain anyone else and I can fall asleep on the couch and not feel like I committed a social faux pas.

Anyway, that’s all for now. I have to chase down my live heating pad (or “my cat”, as he is also called) so that when I climb into my cold bed I won’t immediately freeze to death. No, that’s not an exaggeration. Ok, maybe a little. But just a tiny bit. HOWEVER, I am working on a little piece about another desperate loser from my high school. Apparently, if you were a male who went to my high school and graduated in 1993, you were doomed from the beginning to being either an ass or a loser or clueless or all three. More on that later. But not MUCH later, because although I’m back at work in the morning, even though I’ve been gone for a week, I can bet you money right now I’ll be all caught up about 20 minutes after I get there. Maybe less.

Wow. THAT was BORING. I apologize and sincerely hope you had your coffee before reading this...


Kyahgirl said...

well, isn't that just the pits? one minute, we're all writhing with jealousy because Amber has such a fabulous life, and the next we're all saying well....I don't know what anyone else is saying but I'm saying 'sorry you're sick buddy-and I don't want to swap lives with you this week.'

p.s. Your friends sound awesome. That is such a special gift to be able to just 'be at home' and not be 'company'. Yay for you!


Amanda said...

um, even when you promise no entertainment you still deliver on some level.

Unknown said...

every year that I was singing at Church on Christmas or Christmas Eve I got sick. Every. Year.

get some throat coat- hope you feel better!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Whinger said...

Desperate loser, indeed.
Can't wait for the recap.

Cheryl said...

I was sick all weekend. It wasn't fun. When I tried to go shopping Saturday I felt horrible so I went home and stayed in bed pretty much until this morning.