Me! Me! It's all about Me!
Here I am one morning holding a ton of clover the kids were picking. There was some sort of moral to this activity, but I'm not sure what it was. It was pretty early still.
Here's me and my boy Dane. I love this kid. He's going to be a senior this year, and I would have to say he's about my favorite in the whole group. I couldn't stand him when I met him when he was a freshman, and I wondered how I was going to survive dealing with him for four years, but now I'm wondering what I'll do without him when he graduates. He's like my little brother (and by little I mean in age, since he's almost a foot taller than me). He's the sweetest. In this picture, we're at campfire and we have our "game face" on. We've been trying to get the perfect picture this year, because he wants me to put a dedication in his yearbook, therefore, every time a camera is in the vicinity, we put on our game face. Also, we're big camera hams.
Those are great photos of you! You have such a pretty smile.
Wow, I just finished looking through your photos. It looks like an amazingly fun time for all! :-)
I must say, those are some pretty awesome pictures. I am REALLY jealous because you're life seems so well-rounded and fulfilling while mine centers (at the moment) around Mr. South Side!! (Well, maybe not really centers around him, but you know what I am saying!)
I keep telling my daughter she needs to go to camp - I believe EVERYONE should, at least once. Hell, even I went to camp a couple of times, and the nightmares don't occur NEARLY as often as they used to.
Hmmmm - maybe there is an "I remember camp" blog in the future... if Mr. South Side can lay low for a bit...
What cute pictures!! Looks like lots of fun!
I love that water fall!
Marie -- thanks! And yes,it was awesome. I love CO, but that particular location in MT is so gorgeous...
Dasi -- I agree -- everyone should go to camp. I went when I was little and loved it. My brother went when he was little and on visitor's day, cried and feigned illness until my mom took him home. Though he later went to this camp and loved it.
And thanks for thinking I'm well-rounded -- apparently I hide my obsessive one track mind side well.
Kiki -- the waterfalls were indeed awesome. That one was one of the smaller ones -- the big one is so cool.
I think you got one! I am a camera ham too!
Aww, you got flowers. Pretty flowers for a pretty lady. I see the moral.
I can't believe he's a highschool kid. That's just wrong! :P
very cute. what's your role with these kids? counselor? it's camp? oh, so jealous. i agree, everyone should go to camp. i went to the same one for 10 years!
Cheryl -- I unashamedly admit the camera hamminess...
Zombie Lama -- Agreed -- there are definitely some parts of both states that aren't, um, that pretty. And I would totally go to adult camp. There would be games and stuff, but lots of naps and no responsibility. Awesome.
Jenn -- Aw, thanks. And yes, I would have to say that he's going to be a catch for whatever girl he decides is "The One." As long as I decide that she's good enough for him.
Amanda -- When we're at camp, I am one of the counselors. The rest of the time, I'm what the kids term an "adult" leader. Because I'm not always all that adult. I'd rather have fun.
Nice pics Amber. Nice Game face. I have to work on my game face a bit. Got any pointers?
Yall are such a pefectly cute couple! That's really a great pic! Gorgeous!
You look absolutely beautiful with the handful of clover blossoms. And hello? your pores are fantastic looking!
I LOVED your decorator comments on my site....I think your humor is on the same level as my own. Quality.
These pictures are great! I can see why you had such a wonderful time. I love your gameface!
Love your site. I just wanted to invite you to mine as well. I'm just starting out on this journey in the world of "blogging"- happened to stumble across you and realized how frighteningly similar we seem to be! (A good thing I suppose :o) Anyway, hope to see you around in the future!
Thanks Thomas! You (and your friends) are what the kids these days might call "da bomb!"
Truly words of wisdom you gave to me. How soon we forget that we do have "redeeming qualities" about us that keep those crazy people in our lives coming back for more. That one really hit home for me- I actually wonder sometimes what it could possibly be that keeps those in my life entertained enough to want to revisit for additional rounds.
I guess sometimes that it's just a matter of reminding myself that even if that witty intellectual brat inside "feels" like she's dying, perhaps those around me get a better glimpse of her than I think I actually give them at most times.
I saw in your earlier posts you mentioned "missions trips" with the kids? Is that the camp you worked at this summer? Your Montana pictures are breathtaking by the way- how I would love to venture out in that direction some day... Talk about adventures in finding one's self!
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